
How To Put Up Fake Vines On Your Wall

If you oasis't seen SOMEONE with faux vines or a grass/plant wall… idk where you lot've been. I mean, I'm not a person who keeps up with the trends, merely having faux vines every bit decor or equally a video properties has go increasingly popular in the last couple months. All I'k sayin is, if you scroll social media regularly, I'd be surprised information technology you haven't seen at to the lowest degree one person using them.

Click on the video below for my full tutorial – DIY Faux Vine Wall

🎵 Music by Lakey Inspired

How to Hang Faux Vines

Hither are what my faux vines looked similar, in and out of the pack.

I bought my vines from ii different sellers. One pack of false vines is darker than the other.

•I started past wiping the surface area where the hooks would become with rubbing alcohol.

•Side by side, I went and got my husbands HUGE level and used it every bit my ruler so that my hooks would be in a straight line. I guess you could stagger them as well.

faux vine decor

•I used my mitt for the spacing between each hook. From the tip of my middle finger to my wrist was the measurement – about 7 inches, which was perfect. I made tiny marks on the wall with my pencil. I would make a line at my wrist, then line the tip of my center finer upwards with that line, draw some other small line and repeat until I was all the fashion to the corner on the left

faux vine decorations

•Hang 2-three vines per claw. 3 fit comfortable… any more than than that and you're pushing it. I hung them up like a candy cane – where 1 side was longer than the other.

diy faux vine wall decor

•Go along hanging the faux vines…

faux vine wall

From the picture right higher up this sentence, you see how spacey the vines look and how well you can encounter the wall?

To ready that, I added a 2nd layer of false vines and it filled in perfectly.

faux vines

Video Recreation Inspo

I first saw Ky Lashaii's thumbnail for her "My Filming Setup & Studio Room Tour" video and the thumbnail was simply similar…CLICK ME, CLICK ME! I watched her video and was immediately like, yep, I'm definitely about to make my own faux vine wall video backdrop! It actually fits her. A lot of times I recall something is cute on someone else, simply I'm like, naaaaa, information technology won't be the same for me, only I tried anyhow. Picket Ky Lashaii'southward studio room tour in the video beneath!

After I decided that I was for sure going to try it, I started searching. Multiple options came upwardly…all priced pretty similarly, but ane set of imitation vines may take a few more feet than the other. In any search, I'm reading reviews…Menses. As I read reviews, I always, ever, go to the client images.

In the reviews, I seen some actually cute ways that people used their vines, but 1 really stuck out… which was to make a faux vine mirror frame. I ended up using some of the vines as a frame for my frameless mirror and it turned out super cute. I bought extra vines to accommodate making the simulated vine wall and the mirror frame. The following pics are what I screenshot from customer reviews.

Click the video below for my faux vine mirror frame tutorial.

After I ordered my imitation vines, and then I seen a tweet go VIRAL!! I was so glad that I had already idea of the faux vine mirror thought, because the vines were about to be sold out, EVERY WHERE. That viral tweet is beneath. She shared the steps she took to achieve this look in her thread, so click on the tweet below. Chlogina Mills @ImaBihh .

> Faux vines and hooks

Thank you lot all soooooo much for watching my video and reading this blog post. I appreciate you!


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