
How To Put Alert In Php Code

PHP alert

In this article, nosotros will acquire about the utilise of dialog boxes of JavaScript i.e., the alert box, confirmation box, and prompt dialog box in PHP. In this, we will acquire some basics of JavaScript, PHP, dialog boxes and its examples.

What do you mean past JavaScript?

JavaScript is an upshot-driven language. Information technology executes some code when a specific outcome happens, such equally rolling a mouse on some element or when some specific form button is pressed, etc.

JavaScript is an interpreter based scripting linguistic communication equally it requires no compilation steps. The browser interprets JavaScript statements in the same way every bit it interprets tags of HTML. Information technology is an object-based, high-level language as it can access various HTML objects that are contained in the spider web page.

Dialog Boxes in JavaScript:

JavaScript's alarm () method is the simplest way to show a message to the viewer. It sends textual output to the browser's window. JavaScript provides various dialog boxes to receive input from the user or display minor pieces of text. These boxes announced as divide windows and can brandish the alarm message, confirmation message, or go some user information with "OK" and "CANCEL" buttons.

JavaScript has 3 types of dialog boxes, which are given below:

PHP alert

What do you mean by PHP?

PHP is a server-side linguistic communication scripting linguistic communication. The web pages containing PHP usually comprise file extension .php rather than .html or .htm extension. PHP is particularly good at handling forms and is simpler to use than a CGI script. PHP is open-source and designed to piece of work with Apache server, the most widely used web services globally.

PHP does not have the feature to pop-upwardly an alarm message box, simply you can use the JavaScript code within the PHP code to brandish an alert bulletin box. In this way, you tin display an alert message box of JavaScript in PHP.

Alert Dialog box:

An alert dialog box is nothing simply a pop-upwardly window that displays on your screen with some message or data which requires user attention. It is mostly used to prompt messages if the user missed input value or has given invalid data in a form or textbox. It takes a cord argument and then displays the passed string with an OK push button.


In the to a higher place syntax, the warning () is a function, and a bulletin is a value that can be used to brandish with the alert dialog box.

Let'due south take some instance using an alarm dialog box with php.

Instance 1:


The output of this example is shown below:

PHP alert

Example 2:


The output of this example is shown below:

PHP alert

Example 3:


The output of this instance is shown beneath:

PHP alert

Prompt Dialog box:

An alert box is but used to display data. Neither tin be used to gather information from the user based on some message, nor can exist used to customize a web folio based on user input. Thus, JavaScript provides another method, called prompt (), to have user input.

A prompt box is ofttimes used if you lot want to input a value before inbound a page. It takes 2 arguments- a message y'all want to display in the text box and the textbox's default cord. The prompt dialog box likewise displays two buttons: OK and CANCEL buttons with the letters. The processing will halt until the user clicks one of the buttons.

  • If the user types some text in the textbox and clicks an OK push button, the typed text will be passed to the program, which is called the prompt dialog box.
  • If the user does not blazon text in the textbox and clicks an OK button, the default text equally specified in the second argument of the prompt method will be passed to the program, which is chosen the prompt dialog box.
  • If the user clicks the Cancel button, a null value is returned to the programme chosen the prompt dialog box.


In the above syntax, the prompt () is a part, and a bulletin is a value that can be used to display with a prompt dialog box.

Let's take some example using a prompt dialog box with php.

Example 1:


In this example, localhost displays yous a prompt dialog box with OK and CANCEL button in which, y'all can enter your proper noun, and after inbound the name in prompt dialog box , you can select either the ok button or cancel button.

PHP alert

For example, if you click the OK button, the typed text will be passed to the program, which is called the prompt dialog box, and and so your proper name is displayed by using an alert box, following output shown your name with an alarm box.

PHP alert

Confirm dialog box:

In confirm dialog box of JavaScript, the JavaScript's confirm () method is used to ostend the user'due south action. If you want the user to verify something, then use this dialog box. Confirm dialog box displays a predefined message with two buttons: OK and Cancel buttons. The user will have to click either of the button to keep.

  • If the user clicks an OK button, the box returns true to the program.
  • If the user clicks the Cancel button, the box returns false to the program.


In the above syntax, ostend () is a role, and a message is a value that can be used to display with confirming dialog box.

Let's accept some example using confirm dialog box with php.

Case 1:


PHP alert

When nosotros click on a button, the ostend dialog box will display. The output of this example is given below:

PHP alert

After clicking on the Ok push button the output of the case is given below:

PHP alert


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